Dirty Girl is recommended by leading experts in Functional Medicine and holistic healthy living as an engaging, eye-opening book for anyone dealing with health issues and interested in fixing the root causes instead of just addressing the symptoms.
ten-time New York Times best-selling author, Head of Strategy at the Cleveland Clinic
"We all know the twenty-first century is toxic. But few of us realize the full extent of how environmental pollutants and a stressful society combine to wreak havoc on our health. Fortunately, Doctors Wendie Trubow and Ed Levitan have a method to combat it. In this book, they present detox protocols and guidance for clean living that can stop and reverse the damage toxins cause, so we can reclaim the vitality, mental clarity, and youthful energy we once had."
Baker Foundation Professor
"I was recently confronted by evidence that toxins and heavy metals had accumulated in my body over the years. I did not understand what the test results meant or what the implications might be. I turned to books, articles, and websites that proffered dozens of alternative explanations and solutions and was left even more confused. I wish that this book existed when I started my detox journey! The experiences of this functional medicine team outlined in this first-person account are what is sorely needed. This book is a significant contribution to your long-term wellness!"